/ 3 years agoEdward Gaming – New faces in the Valorant international scene
With the conclusion of VCT 2022 Last Chance Qualifiers in different regions, all the teams that will compete in VALORANT Champions...
Crypto Gaming
/ 3 years agoThe Paradox Metaverse has been announced
Over the past few years, Paradox Studios has been on a quest to deliver their idea of the ideal metaverse experience.
/ 3 years agoSea of Thieves – a few big buts in an ocean of booty
State of the Game: Sea of Thieves - a few big buts in an ocean of booty
/ 3 years agoEmbracer Group acquiring rights to Lord of the Rings and Hobbit IP, plus more
Embracer Group acquiring rights to Lord of the Rings and Hobbit IP, plus more
Dota 2
/ 3 years agoT1 takes aim for TI2022 with ana and Topson
T1 hoards the headlines this week after announcing their latest members, Anathan “ana” Pham and Topias “Topson” Taavitsainen. This came shortly...
/ 3 years agoMadden 23 Headliners: Full List of Players
Madden 23 Headliners: Full List of Players
League of Legends
/ 3 years ago5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 12.15
5 Best Bot Lane Duos in League of Legends Patch 12.15
Top Games
/ 3 years agoSaints Row 3 Remastered Cheats: PS5, Xbox Series X, PC
Saints Row 3 Remastered Cheats: PS5, Xbox Series X, PC
League of Legends
/ 3 years ago5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.15
5 Best Top Laners in League of Legends Patch 12.15
/ 3 years agoFortnite pro ‘Arkhram’ announces he’s quitting the game for Valorant
One of the Fortnite legends has hung up their jersey as Fortnite pro Arkhram took to Twitter today to announce he...
/ 3 years agoCast your nomination for the gameHERs Awards now!
It’s time to celebrate some of the most incredible members of the gaming industry with the gameHERs awards, a way to...
LoL Esports
/ 3 years agoRiot Games starts deleting old League of Legends Accounts this month
League of Legends is one of the oldest games in esports, having been around since 2009. In that time the game...
/ 3 years agoValorant Challengers seems like a viable league after Riot’s announcement
Two days ago, Riot made a major announcement about the upcoming Challengers events for the upcoming year. While there are quite...
Call of Duty
/ 3 years agoJGOD Reveals ‘Broken TTK’ Tactical Rifle That ‘Deletes’ in Warzone
JGOD Reveals 'Broken TTK' Tactical Rifle That 'Deletes' in Warzone
Top Games
/ 3 years agoDying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties Details
Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Bloody Ties Details
League of Legends
/ 3 years ago5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 12.15
5 Best Junglers in League of Legends Patch 12.15